June 24, 2020

Online Teaching Essentials for Your 2021 TEFL Virtual Classroom

High-quality TEFL worksheets, activity books, teaching frameworks, lesson plans, and English teaching resources are invaluable online teaching essentials. Don’t settle for scrappy, disorganized lesson planning and poorly worded worksheets.  Create a tailored English learning curriculum that embraces all facets of the language learning process using digital TEFL resources. 
May 24, 2020

Need Work From Home Ideas? Why Not Teach?

The uncertainty that surrounds us leaves us asking ourselves ‘will work from home be the new normal?’ However, perhaps the question isn’t ‘Will work from home become the norm?’ but whether it’s even possible.For TEFL teachers, the dream of permanently working from home is very real.
April 1, 2020

The Best Places to Teach English in Thailand

Famed as a hot spot for travelers, Thailand also reigns as one of the top stops to teach English abroad. The magnetic capital, Bangkok, is the at the epicenter of the teaching market but for those seeking something more serene, the seductive charm of Chiang Mai and the sun-kissed south await.
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